Sanitation & Water
Tired of the hassle of paying bills to the City of Freeman every month? Worried you might forget to make a payment? Click on the button below to download our Electronic Funds Automatic Transfer form, allowing monthly payments to take place with ease through an automatic withdrawal process.
Payments become due on the 20th day of each month. A $25 fee is applied to late payments.
Residents and businesses located with the City limits are eligible for once-a-week garbage pickup. The fee is $20 for a 90-gallon container. A second 90-gallon container may be added for a monthly charge of $19.00. Additional pickups are billed at a rate of $6.00 per container per pick up. No more than two 90-gallon containers are allowed for any collection point.
Residents who are certified to be a recipient of fuel assistance under the Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) are eligible to pay a monthly rate of $12 for one 90-gallon container.
Properties within one-mile of the city may request services at a rate of $27 for the first 90-gallon container & $25 for the second 90-gallon container. A fee of $7 is charged for each additional pickup.
Should you need larger garbage receptacles, a 300-gallon size is available for $65 (in town) or $75 (within one-mile of town). A second 300-gallon size can be made available at a rate of $60 (in town) or $70 (within one-mile of town). Additional pick-ups are billed at $18 each (in town) and $21.00 each (within one-mile of town).
Temporary use of an additional garbage container can be made available, as well. A delivery fee of $10 will apply in addition to the standard pickup rate.
The City of Freeman’s sanitation truck makes its route every Tuesday & Friday, with Sixth Street marking the dividing line for the following schedule:
Tuesday's Route - Properties located NORTH of Sixth Street
Friday's Route - Properties located SOUTH of Sixth Street
Sanitation routes begin during the early morning hours. To avoid forgetting, those receiving services are encouraged to roll trash receptacles out the night before. As required by city ordinance, trash receptacles must be moved away from the curb for the remainder of the week.
Disposable items accepted for pick up: disposable diapers, food waste, clothes, fiberglass, light bulbs (including fluorescent lights, punctured aerosol cans, plastic not labeled 1-5, small dead animals, window panes & mirrors, Styrofoam, empty (& dried) paint cans.
Do NOT place leaves, branches, construction debris, or recyclable items in garbage containers.
Click here to find complete details about where to dispose of various items.
Water Services
Water charges for any amount up to 1000 gallons are billed at minimum fee of $17.25 per month. For 1000 to 499,000 gallons per month, the sum of $5.22 per 1000 gallons is added to the above rate. Usage of 500,000 gallons and over per-month, the sum of $3.65 per 1000 gallons is added to the amount.
Bills are due by the 20th day of the month. For ease of payments, a drop box is available 24/7 inside the east door of City Hall. Payments may also be made online using "Pay Your Bill" tab on the left. Or, you may send payment to Freeman City Hall, P.O. Box 178, Freeman, SD 57029.